Two far-right extremists in separate U.S. prisons recently made headlines for their use of Telegram channels from behind bars — one for allegedly dealing guns through the app, the other for employing it to organize militias across all 50 states.
On Tuesday, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg announced that a Texas man was charged with dealing weapons and firearm components while in federal custody. Hayden Espinosa is accused of selling weapons and firearm parts, including to an undercover New York Police Department officer, via a Telegram channel called “3D Amendment” while he served time in a prison in Louisiana. Prosecutors said 24-year-old Espinosa was “motivated by Neo-Nazi and white supremacist ideologies” and had been in contact with the man who perpetrated the racist massacre at a Tops Friendly Market in Buffalo, New York, two years ago. Bragg described the case as a “confluence of guns and extremism” and called it “very, very disturbing.”
The second case concerns a January 6 rioter currently being held in a Brooklyn detention center. WIRED reported that Edward “Jake” Lang, who is accused of swinging a baseball bat at police during the Capitol insurrection, spearheaded the launch of state-specific militia groups on Telegram last week from prison. (Media Matters first reported on the militia network’s launch.) Collectively, per WIRED, the militias function as a pro-gun organization focused on potential “civil unrest” around the November election. Extremism experts say the Telegram groups likely number around 2,500 members — and though the network is still relatively small, its size, violent rhetoric, and focus on arms “is a serious cause for concern.”
Read more on what guns mean to extremists from The Trace’s Jennifer Mascia.
What to Know Today
Crime rates fell sharply in the first three months of 2024, new FBI data shows. The murder rate dropped by 26 percent, and overall violent crime dropped by 15 percent; the decreases come after a major year-over-year decline in homicides in 2023. Following the release of the 2024 statistics, a group of law enforcement officials announced the formation of Police Leaders for Community Safety, an organization that plans to push for stronger gun laws and argue that Congress has not done enough to protect public safety. [NBC/Roll Call]
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Housekeeping: The Trace’s staff will be out of the office on Monday, June 17, to observe Juneteenth. The Bulletin will return Tuesday morning.