Good morning, Bulletin readers. After we released our latest data resource late last week, one scholar reacted, “Holy data dump, Batman!” Read on to see what inspired his crime nerd humor.
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NEW from THE TRACE: We obtained data on 4.3 million violent crimes. Now it’s yours to use. As part of our investigative project on unsolved shootings, The Trace’s Sarah Ryley led a team of reporters in sending public records requests to dozens of the nation’s largest police and sheriff’s departments. Many didn’t readily give up the information; in a number of cities, we had to seek legal help to get access to the records. With data on gun violence in short supply, it’s important that this information be available to the public — so that’s what we’re doing. On Friday, we posted raw data from 56 agencies, totaling 4.3 million violent crime incidents, on our site. Download it here. Crime experts are already finding patterns: Statistician Jeff Asher plotted a visual comparison between murders and homicide clearance rates in St. Louis between 2007 and 2017.
An eighth NRA board member has resigned. Dan Boren, a former Oklahoma Congressman, became the latest National Rifle Association director to quit since The Trace and The New Yorker revealed a pattern of self-dealing among high-ranking executives at the gun group.
President Trump has officially lost all interest in releasing a plan for reducing gun violence. The Washington Post says Trump’s advisers warned him that pushing gun reforms, which he pledged to do after the El Paso and Dayton shootings, would fracture the GOP coalition he needs to get re-elected. A source close to the NRA told the paper that the absence of Wayne LaPierre at the White House lately means that the gun group is no longer threatened by the prospect of gun reform.
Beto O’Rourke ended his presidential campaign, which was marked by aggressive positions on gun control. “We took the boldest approach to gun safety in American history,” he said in a Medium post Friday, but said his campaign lacked “the means to move forward successfully.” O’Rourke reframed his campaign around gun violence prevention after 22 people were killed in a shooting in a Walmart in his hometown of El Paso, and he doubled down on his stance five weeks later when he said at a Democratic debate, “Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.”
The Chicago teachers strike yielded more mental healthcare for violence-scarred kids. The 11-day strike ended on October 31 with a plan to put a social worker and a nurse in every public K-12 school. The mayor says that there aren’t currently enough social workers to fulfill that demand. “When they hear freaky firecrackers or they hear a bang, it’s hit the floor,” a South Side parent said of the students in her neighborhood.
A 3-year-old in Texas fatally shot himself with his parents’ gun. The handgun was loaded and unsecured when the boy found it in his Harris County home on Friday. No word on whether his parents will face criminal charges.
At least 159 people were shot in Philadelphia last month, the highest single-month total in more than four years. —Jim McMillan via