The role of the gun industry in America’s gun violence epidemic.
Our team is examining a decade's worth of data from the Gun Violence Archive for insights into one of the most devastating public health crises in the United States.
The National Rifle Association is one of the most powerful special interest groups in America. We’re investigating how it spends its money.
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City Limits
Accounts from the front lines of urban gun violence. This week: Stories from St. Louis, Missouri, where kids plan their funerals and families live in fear.
Gun Policy
Americans a) support universal background checks and b) doubt that they work. How can both be true?
Active Shooting
As gunfire continues to hit cars on a busy stretch of Arizona highway, a look at the phenomenon of gun violence on America's roads.
Armed With Reason
The conclusion that greater access to guns results in more suicides is nearly unanimous.
One 2016 presidential candidate has vowed to do that — and one researcher says it's possible. But only if Washington has the will to make the number drop.
The state's election commission acts on allegations of illegal political donations.
Q & A
Jooyoung Lee documents the very painful ways that shooting injuries transform vibrant young men.
In Memoriam
Reverend Sharon Risher lost her mother and two cousins in the Emanuel AME Church in June. She wants the world to know she’s still angry.
Accounts from the front lines of urban gun violence. This week: Two prominent Chicago activists on what it's like to lose a loved one to a fatal shooting after fighting so hard to stop them.
The lack of progress on America's gun violence epidemic on the federal level should not be confused with a lack of proposed solutions.